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Why are the Citizens of Pompano Beach paying $1.1 million to the McMahon family?

In 2012 Tom McMahon signed a lease with the taxpayers of Pompano Beach. View the lease here. The lease gave the McMahons $1.1 million in rent for an empty building they own in Old Town. Ten years later, the building is still vacant. 


The McMahons own MANY buildings and lots in the Old Town area.
Further development in this area will create a windfall for them.

The first step to re-developing Old Town is to remove lanes from Atlantic Blvd.


The McMahons are taking advantage of the taxpayers of Pompano Beach. They are pushing an unpopular development plan to further their own financial interests. The only way to stop this abuse of power is to remove Tom from his commission seat this November.


Old Town Pompano area targeted for re-development.

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